I just wanted to share how I'm feeling now and how I'm dealing with the unfavorable things around me.
What made me decide to post these 'not-so-very-new' and 'kind-of-common' yet 'simple' quotes is the inspiration I got from those people around me who may have 'accidentally' inspired me in their own little ways, those people who believed in my sincerity and for the read-worthy prayer booklet, 'Our Daily Bread', I have read last night.
The first quote goes this way...
"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music." -by Anonymous
I received this quote just yesterday, via sms by a good old friend of mine named Dit-Dit. This bubbly, cute and small-but-terrible gal is actually fond of sending messages to her circle of friends. She's use to send us quotes she have on her drafts. And this one stroke me the most upon reading. It's because, for me, the saying is also parallel to what I have realized recently:
"Judge-mental people wouldn't care to listen to your sincerest reason on why you did such thing...they just directly blame you into the mess they thought you have started and find for your faults in the case."
Killer stare! |
I could imagine how those people would stare at me when they're at my back. haha
Nice try from myself! ^^,
Anyways, here are the others...
"Trials are like fire they can destroy or strengthen you depending on your character and outlook in life. Remember: The fire that melts the butter is the same fire that hardens the steel."
-by Anonymous
I got this from a concern friend. I think she sent me this one to enlighten me and to cheer me up. Thanks for this one Lois. :)
"If you want to be happy for a moment, take revenge. But if you want to be happy for a lifetime, then grant forgiveness."
And this one is from a former schoolmate whom also is a good friend. Her name is Eva Mae.
The quote, which I think, sums up everything.
"Trials come because we live in a broken world, but if we decide that we will learn the lessons taught, there are no 'ifs' about it--it is an important way to GROW."
-Bill Crowder, Our Daily Bread
I finally realized how good He is. That, truly, whatever happens on me, He'll never leave me. And also, He'll be there when I can't carry the heavy load anymore. I am so thankful that He did ways to enlighten myself when I almost gave up.
So, for those people I meant for this post. I just forgive and forget everything. Go on! Just continue to spoil me if that's what makes you happy. I really hope you are! haha
You deserve this...
A big smile on my face! :)